1. For instance, what is the "app key"? https://support.integry.io/hc/en-us/articles/360049619874-Single-Sign-On-SSO-with-App-Directory references an "app key", but based on the code samples on the Deployment Builder, it's called API Key. But… That value is populated as the
    value in the code sample. Similarly, API Secret becomes appSecret. When it comes to credentials and secrets, I don't want to be guessing about what y'all mean. So let's assume app_key is actually the API Key from the Deployment Builder… BUT…
  2. That page also references an api_key? So … I'm very confused, because we determined that the appKey is actually the API Key, so what's the API Key in that context?
  3. What is the App ID from https://sdk.integry.io/docs/api-reference/? Assuming that's the API Key (aka appKey)?
Created by Wahaj Khan